Closed Applications Bucket
Have you considered creating a closed application bucket on the dashboard?

April Durr commented
Thanks, Chris!
I certainly understand... I just wish there was a quick way to see a snapshot of closed approved and closed denied on the dashboard. We do review our closed at the start and ending of our grant cycles as applicants are considering if they should apply again and what application type they should apply under. I will try using the requests and decisions function more often. Right now the way the dashboard works I seem to have hundreds in the follow-up complete bucket which gets confusing, since we are really only working with about 40-50 that will need to do something further. This kind of ties into my other question that was posted.
I really appreciate your time,
April -
Chris Dahl commented
Hi April,
Thanks for the question. We haven't considered creating a "closed" bucket on the dashboard for a couple reasons. This is mainly because for most people, a "closed" request is one that they won't be accessing very often. Adding yet another bucket to the dashboard would clutter it a bit for something that is of limited value to most users. Also, most clients would have hundreds of closed requests, and many others would have thousands or tens of thousands, so clicking on the "closed" bucket and going to a list of all those requests would be a slow and not very good user experience. Finally, closed requests can be accessed via the Search Requests and Decisions page, and probably in a more efficient manner than they could via the dashboard.
All that said, I'd be happy to hear from you - or others - regarding the motivation for the question. It's possible I'm just missing something :-)