Making report fields visible in lists of applications
We assign a project number to each of our applications after they have been approved/denied. It is currently in a internal report field. It would be great if we could somehow have the option to choose what appears in the lists of applications. For example, when you click on "Granted" from the dashboard a list of projects appears. We would like to be able to have our project numbers from the report fields populate one of these columns and have them sortable as the current columns are. We use this project number report field more often than say the project's title or the applicant's name or even the process name when referring back to a project and when searching for it in our database.
Overall it would be great to be able to choose what populates the columns in the "Granted"/Decisions screen, or the "Applications Submitted" screen, etc..
Idea posted February 14, 2013 by Monica Stowe, American Public Power Association
Hi Jake,
Thanks for the suggestion. There are quite a few folks who'd like to add some different fields (Progam Area, Amount Requested, Internal Grant ID, etc.) to the various grids.
I've merged your suggestion in with the more general suggestion, as the goal here is to solve the general case.
As you can see from some of the older comments I've made on this thread, we just don't have the room in the user interface to do this without causing some other issues.
We are currently working to address some things with our user interface. Once those improvements are in place, we'll be able to look at adding some "custom columns" to the various grids. I'm hoping we can start looking at this before the end of the year.
-chris -
Jake Goodman commented
It would be great if all my board members could easily see all grant request amounts in the grid (along with Process, Organization, Applicant, Score and Status). There is currently no way for them to see everything that is in process without me running a report for them.
Kathryn Treanor commented
Thanks for asking for input.
We currently run 14 Processes each year in order to be able to see and sort the different donors in the dashboards and other lists. If a Report Field - like "Fund Name" - could be added to those listing pages, we could reduce our number of Processes Substantially - to 3!
Again, thanks for asking.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Derek and Monica,
First, thanks Derek for posting an example of what you do. We have made progress on a lot of fronts in the last few months, and the functionality you both mention is continuing to move up our priority list. We are thinking about adding both a "report field filter" as well as a "report field column".
I would like to say that we are adding a "quick export" from the various workload pages (Applications Submitted, Draft, Complete, etc.). This export will include what's on the screen as well as some organization / contact infromation. While this doesn't address the "on-screen" needs, it might help in some ways.
One challenge we have at this point is if we should just replace one of the existing fields on the grids that display, or if we should let administrators select which field should be removed ... unfortunately, at this point, we just don't have the room to add another column. Any comments on this would be appreciated.
Looking forward to hearing more from you both,
posted July 28, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Would like to add another thought/"custom column" - Sponsor. For both of our foundations we assign a board sponsor that does the site visits and keeps in touch with the grantees. It would be REALLY helpful to see that on the report field.
To address the granting number - like Monica mentioned - we actually add that number in the front of the Project's name. It then shows up on all of the screens. It's also in the Grant Number field.
posted June 5, 2013 by Derek Jernstedt, Quest Foundation
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Monica,
This is actually something we've discussed internally - basically allowing administrators the ability to select an additional "custom" column to display on the screen (whether it was on the draft or submitted screens for LOI, Application, or Follow Ups, or on the Granted screen). In our conversations, we've talked about these custom columns being one of the report fields, which your "project number" is.
At this point, mostly because we have some higher priority items to address, this isn't on our near-term product roadmap. It's one thing to replace one of the columns; it's another to add a new column; and it's yet another to let users have more choice, and I can see users wanting all these options. That said, it is something that makes sense and will become a bigger priority, but I'm not sure when we will be addressing it.
posted March 26, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies