Change formatting for questions with internal visibility
I like the ability to add questions to a follow-up that are only visible to grants staff (visibility set to "internal"). For example, I have added a project description from an application to a follow-up so that I can compare the applicant's final report on the project to the original submission. I've also done this with projected number of attendees and final, projected cash expenses and final, etc. But when reading the follow-up later, it gets confusing as to what the applicant is submitting now and what was submitted at an earlier date. I would like to see a different formatting for internal-visibility questions, such as a different background (maybe gray instead of white, or a backsplash of words like on the demo site). Something to make them stand out.

Kerry McHugh commented
Seconding this! It would be great to distinguish which questions are internal and which applicants see/answer when printing out of the system. This would be helpful when printing just the Question List, or when printing an actual submitted form. Even just an indicator saying (Internal) or something similar would be a great help!