allow applicants to select contacts for specific messaging
I love how, under each Process, we can determine which administrators will get submission notifications for applications or follow-ups. Couldn't the software, someday, allow the applicants to determine which contacts under their organization should receive particular types of notifications? Of course, I would still need to be able to export those selections so I can use that information for our Outlook distribution lists for other information. But it would be nice to give some control to the applicant. So often, the person who submitted the grant moves on before the reports are due, or they may just have different staff assigned to those functions.
Mary Giraulo commented
AND - often the applicant wants a handful of people on their staff to receive the notifications, so that they don't drop the ball. This is especially typical of volunteer-run organizations where the board members may not all check their email inboxes at the same rate and may tag team to get things done.