Add custom columns feature to the Request History page
We'd like to be able to see the Request Amount next to the Grant Amount on the Request History page. Adding the custom columns feature to this page would be very helpful.

Christine Grogan commented
Also, we would like the flexibility for historical requests to be grouped in financial year folders on the request history page - a number of our applicant organisations have asked for this feature so that they don't have to keep scrolling down through all the financial years. Would it be possible for us to preset the financial year dates (we work on 1 July to 30 June fy) and then for the request history be organised in FY folders?
Sheila Steger commented
Any update to this request for custom columns on Request History page? My board is really wanting this feature.
Anonymous commented
Add custom columns to Request History tab within Organization Summary.
Anonymous commented
Our board has requested this as it would help them to get a snapshot of what we have or have not funded as compared to the requested amounts.