Adding shared questions
Selecting multiple questions when adding a shared question. Also,when creating a question field maybe a prompt could appear alerting the question already exists and if you would like to use that one instead.
Aileen Randolph commented
I would like to be able to bring a group of questions forward from the application to every form. And truly, I don't need the question, just the static answers. This information is basic project number/date type of info.
Isabel Eljaiek commented
Adding in that I would love to see this feature implemented, we build pretty complicated forms in our processes utilizing advanced branching and it's a pain to have to pick list one at a time.
Rachael commented
That would be great if we could see all the previous versions of question field. It would also be ideal if the system did not create so many versions of 1 questions. Often when we edit or change a question it is so we no longer use the previous version of question. It is therefore not necessary to keep the old question in the shared available options.
Zach Zarnow commented
I have entire sections of my application form that I want to add to report/follow up forms so that grantees can update on their progress towards meeting certain service goals. It would be great to be able to copy an entire section or multiple questions at once to the report form as shared questions. Adding them one at a time will take a while. Thanks!