Assign a Scholarship Fund
SLM/Scholarship Processing:
The way our current universal application functions is that when we go in to award scholarships to our students, we have to find their application for that specific scholarship opportunity. From there, we can award x amount of money to that student, from that fund.
This can be tedious and can cause the system to load slowly, as we have over 4000 applications loading at a time, one for each scholarship opportunity match.
I would love it if we could implement something like a dropdown or similar feature, where I can select a student and then assign them a fund and an award amount from that fund.
This eliminates the need to search through their 10-20+ opportunity matches, filter by process and may reduce some of the time needed to wait while things load when we are processing awards.
With our January 2024 Release we implemented a new workflow to add the scholarship fund on the opportunity so that it moves forward when syncing to communitysuite. We hope this helps streamline your workflow and encourage you to create a new idea lab item with additional items.