It would be helpful to have different font options when creating or modifying email templates. We have noticed that when our templates are exported (or sent to applicants), the font type changes inconsistently. Some sections will be Ariel and others Segoe. It's hard to tell if the different fonts are present in GLM, but we would like the ability to highlight/ select all and then choose one font type.
Michelle Tiegel commented
I think the line spacing and text spacing seem to be a component of this. I can draft an email template in word and everything looks fine, but once I paste it into GLM, the spacing and font formatting get messed up.
Marsha Strauss commented
I think the rich text space needs some improving overall as well. There is no undo option. The formatting gets so messed up at times, and then I try to ho into the html to fix, but that often makes it worse or clears any formatting.