Email Notification to Fund Advisors
Currently, when a donation is entered and saved, an email is sent out to any Fund Advisor receiving donation notifications. I think it would be better if this notification was sent out when the donation was Posted. This way, someone has had a chance to look over the donation and verify everything before the Fund Advisor receives an email.
Julie Dowell commented
Currently, when a donation is posted, an email is sent out to any Fund Advisor receiving donation notifications. I think it would be better if this notification was sent out after deposit from the till. That is consided a closed batch and is subject to editing before then. Notification at posting and unposting is overly emailing our donors.
Tara commented
It would be very helpful if we were able to edit the template for this notification email. It is flat and not in line with how we communicate with donors.
Michelle Collins commented
Could we also suppress multiple notifications going to Fund Advisors which happens if we need to un-post and re-post? This is very confusing for our Fund Advisors when they get multiple emails with the same name on the donation, yet when they log onto their portal there is only donation (which is correct).
Jessica Renfro commented
As far as I can tell, this has been changed. It appears to me that now, donation notification emails are not sent out until the donation is Posted in CSuite.
However, I agree with Jennifer's comment (which has not yet been addressed): it would be much better to have the donation and grant notification opt-in/opt-out at the fund level instead of the fund advisor level for donors with multiple funds. Thanks for considering!
Jennifer commented
I agree. I also think notifications should be fund specific. We have donors with 2 named funds but we only want notifications to go out on one of the funds. Currently it is all or nothing.
Anonymous commented
It would also be nice if the granting notification was delayed until the Complete button is clicked in CSuite.
I've got a couple of eager Fund Advisors who think once they get the granting notification the cheque has been mailed, meanwhile it can still take a couple of days to get the appropriate signatures and approvals internally.