Annual grant letter for an organization - customized merge fields
We would like to create a custom letter that exports all the grant data for an organization in a fiscal year - similar to a donation report for funds.
We are looking at ways to reduce the administrative burden on our grantee partners and one of the things we are looking at is reporting.
Currently in GLM we require our grant recipient organizations to complete a report for every single grant they receive. As some organizations receive over 10 general purposes grants a fiscal year, they have to complete 10 individual reports. To try and relieve this burden, we would like to reduce this so that organizations only need to provide one report for all the general purpose grants they receive. We can then share this with all the funds that have supported them.
To do this, we would like the ability to send each organization an email at the end of the year that lists all the individual grants they have received in that year, along with the name of the fund that provided each grant and the grant description. Ideally this could be emailed to the primary contact of the organization from GLM or CSuite itself.
I have searched both CSuite and GLM and have tried merge templates in GLM (currently the Organization Request Summary table can not be filtered by date). We've also tried exporting data off CSuite and using Mail Merge in Word but that hasn't worked either.
Even if there is a work around that I haven't thought of... Please help!!

Kylie Edmondson commented
Great idea Gabby thanks for suggesting this. It did surprise me that we don't already have this function so hopefully we can get something like this as it would be extemely useful.
Peter McCabe commented
This request was generated from our Monthly Foundant User Forum (Aust) through which we are looking to build skills, simply process and grow the use of Foundant amongst Community Foundation Members