Link profiles to voucher items for credit card vouchers
It would be wonderful to have the option to link a profile to voucher items in a similar way to how you can add an "advisor" to a donation for indirect credit. For purchases made on our organization credit cards, we input an itemized voucher into Csuite to the credit card company, but then it is very difficult to see where purchases were actually made since it is only visible in the item description text. If there was an option (not requirement) to link to another profile, then we would be able to see from the profile the payments made to them directly and payments made to them through a credit card.

Here is a link to a help article that might help in this situation. A voucher is entered for each charged item directly to the vendor. The vouchers are then paid to the "credit card" liability account. When the statement is received, a voucher is created for the statement value to relieve the liability. This credit card liability account can also be reconciled each month. If only one voucher is created per statement, it is common to see the vendor/employee name in the description.
Zac Smith commented
Thanks for the help article link, Holly. While this may get us the reporting from the profile, it involves a reasonable amount of additional entries that we wouldn't want to sacrifice efficiency for in this case. Also, if we did not want to make a profile record for every vendor we make a credit card purchase with (say for a minor purchase at a vendor we likely wont return to), it seems like this method may get a bit confusing with some liabilities entered and some not.