Fund Advisors Field for Grants
When you set up fund advisors for the portal, they are usually linked to the individual advisor's profile, not the household. This makes setting the household as the advisor when entering grants difficult because it populates the profiles with portal access. We then have to manually update this on the next page to the household profile, and this sometimes causes confusion if the individual profile is selected.
It would be nice to set up a profile as a fund advisor without having it linked to portal access. Often, households want separate portal access but make their grants together and want to be credited as such.

There is the following fund setting that populates a drop down box when a Fund Advisor requests a grant. This is would require the household to be an advisor - you do not need to give them fund access:
- Allow Additional Advisors - Allows fund advisors to make grant requests on behalf of other advisors.
- This does not need to be selected to have more than one fund advisor setup on a fund.