Ability to edit Profile Fund Link categories versus deleting and relinking
Allow Profile Fund link Categories to be edited vs having to delete the Profile Fund link and adding the fund back with the newly desired Category. Example, we are changing 'advisor' to 'primary advisor' or 'secondary advisor' and having to delete the Profile Fund link w/ 'advisor' category and then adding the fund back with the Profile Fund link of 'advisory-primary' or 'advisor-secondary'.

Lenora commented
This! It would be very helpful if linking a profile to a fund gave you dates like linking orgs/profiles does. Then you could simply uncheck active and it would show that this person was a former fund advisor and their profile is still linked to the fund and keeps historical data.
hstone@columbusfoundation.org commented
It would be great to be able to change a Profile Fund Category by simply selecting a new category from the table, rather than having to unlink the profile from the fund then re-link the profile and fund with the new category.