Fund Advisor - Student Data
We have many scholarship funds, and a common complaint from our scholarship "fund advisors" for years has been that they could only see the school and not student names. We use the fund advisor functionality for donors who have started the fund and/or committee members so that they have access to view activity/fund balance. The new portal has the toggle to "Show Student Data", but it is sharing WAY too much personal information of a student, such as home address, email, phone etc. We are not comfortable sharing this detailed information with anyone who has fund advisor access due to privacy concerns.
Could there be options for the student data similar to the donor data, where we can pick and choose which portions of the student record could be shared? Under Fund Advisor, we can choose to only show the donor name, and hide phone, email or mailing address. It would be wonderful to have those same options for student data, instead of an "all or nothing" like it currently is.