69 results found
Customizable Dashboards for Fund Advisors
Ability to show where we are with raising the funds of each need (a thermometer?). Needs ability that when a donor makes a recommendation via email or phone call that the dashboard updates to show the meter with the new recommendation.
2 votes -
Allow Fund Advisors who are Staff Members to update the Contact Preferences
We have Staff Users who are also Fund Advisors. When the Primary email is set to their work email address, they receive all csuite notifications to the Primary email address, auto emailed csuite reports, which should go to their work email but they also receive notifications for their personal Funds. I was only able to update the Donation Notify to be linked to their Personal and preferred email address but there is nowhere else we can update their email/communication preferences to try separate their work email and personal email/notifications. This also happens in reverse, if their personal email is set…
1 vote -
Fund Advisors List
In the Giving Hub if a Fund has multiple FA can they be listed within the Fund.
1 vote -
Fund Advisor Overview
For the new portal I know you're able to login and view all of the funds you are a fund advisor for and then click into that funds overview. Say I am a fund advisor for a few Library funds in the area, is there a way to have one page that shows the summary of each fund? To view them all together?
1 voteThere is an option to create an Affiliate profile, then add funds to the affiliate and add to a Fund Advisor. Detailed instructions can be found in this help article: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409824568599-Affiliate-Portal
Move Grants tab from Donor profile to Fund Advisor profile
Currently, the Grants tab (showing a profile's grant history) is on the Donor designation profile but it needs to be moved to the Fund Advisor designation. Two reasons: 1) There are grant advisors that are not donors and 2) only data related to Donations should be on the Donor designation if we want to use Is Donor filtering to define actual Donors. If grant history "turns on" the Donor designation but that profile doesn't actually have any donations, then it completely negates the use of the Donor designation to define actual Donors.
1 vote -
Fund Drop Down Color
CSS suggestion - could the color coding of the Fund drop down box be different than the content? If you make it anything other than white or a light color, the fund drop down box gets lost.
1 vote -
Event campaigns - adding fund advisor ability to view in portal
Please consider adding the ability for us to check/uncheck a fund advisor who is associated with a fund of an event campaign, so that fund advisor can see who has purchased tickets.
8 votes -
Portal / Dashboard: for campaigns
Be able to email / text an invite to campaign from a profile and/or campaign and when registered, not create a new profile. Ideally, have a user portal experience like the fund advisors. This would create ability to see donations, campaigns, ticket purchases, etc.
2 votes -
Donor/Fund Advisor Portal Donate Tab
Currently the "Donate" tab in the Donor Portal shows the name of the individual's fund and any funds we are promoting. We like the option to promote several funds, however, the donor's fund gets lost in that page as it just appears alphabetically. We would love the option to float their fund to the very top so it's easier to find.
36 votes
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