I would like to filter for multiple values using IS.
In fact, this should be 'allow multiple filters on all VARCHAR fields', so we can filter several AND or OR things within the same field.
Examples of filters I wish to have:
Profile Name IS "Bob" AND Contains "Ste" would be amazing.
City IS "New York" and IS "Long Island" and NOT "Darby"
Fund ID: Contains '9' or contains 'X' but NOT "1099"
I would like to filter for multiple values using IS.
In fact, this should be 'allow multiple filters on all VARCHAR fields', so we can filter several AND or OR things within the same field.
Examples of filters I wish to have:
Profile Name IS "Bob" AND Contains "Ste" would be amazing.
City IS "New York" and IS "Long Island" and NOT "Darby"
Fund ID: Contains '9' or contains 'X' but NOT "1099"