26 results found
Picture add to contact page
In trying to build relationships with applicants, it would be very helpful to see their photo on their contact page. Could you make a field for the applicant to upload his/her photo on their contact page?
1 vote -
customize fields in process summary
We have 5 identical (or close to it) processes for our grants (2 yr cycle). Each process has a Director and Grant Manager(s) that are unique to it. It would be nice to have that information in the Process Summary. It would also be helpful if those fields were available as merge fields.
2 votes -
Allow Custom Registration Fields for Custom Columns
If custom fields are created on the registration form for organizations OR applicants, currently those fields are not available to be added in Custom Columns. It would be really helpful to have this functionality for visibility when coding payments, classifying applicants, and for eligibility.
11 votes -
Custom columns for evaluators when assigning to process
Can custom columns be added to the "select user" popup box when assigning evaluators to a process? Helpful column options would be email address and organization name. Sometimes there are evaluators with the same name, or with duplicate accounts from changing organizations and making a new account at their new organization without informing me as the administrator, which makes it difficult to see if I'm assigning evaluations to the correct account.
1 vote -
Dashboard notes column for admins (SLM)
It would be very helpful to have a custom Notes or Comments column available that admins can write directly in on the dashboard, especially since pinned comments are not currently an option in SLM.
Use case: 1 universal application submitted turns into 5 scholarship applications, so 500 UA submissions could lead to 2500 applications in submitted. I as an admin then go in by student and vet their applications before marking them complete. If there are notes I want to make for that specific scholarship application, there is currently not a way to do that in the application that are…
1 vote -
Annual tax receipt
Annual tax receipt- have an option that can be clicked/chosen if donor requests to only receive an annual receipt listing all their donations that year.
1 vote -
While chatting with support@foundant.com they suggested I submit a request to be able to customize the date when manually entering a historic application because unfortunately it shows today's date for the date of submission and I want it to show a date from years ago.
We have an applicant that last applied in the mid 90s and is applying again. We don't have their historical application in Foundant but we have the hard copy file. I added the historical application to the Request History tab and scanned in the old application but it doesn't give me the option to put…
2 votes -
custom fields on evaluator dashboard
GLM - It would be great to be able to add more than just one custom field to the evaluator dashboard.
3 votesHello,
You can add to two custom field on the evaluator dashboard. Do you need more than that?
If please explain what you are sharing and if there are standard fields that would not need displayed.
Adding shared questions to installment forms to improve information in payment tracking table
The standard columns for the tables are not optimal for our program, so we've assigned project numbers to each funded application. I would like to be able to see this number in the payment tracking table, but can't add it to the installment form as a shared question. Woiuld this be valuable to others?
I would also like to be able to delete some of the standard columns--project titles take up a lot of space and are not that useful!
4 votes -
Dropdown Field in Organization and Contact profile
A customizable dropdown "category" field in the contact profile and the organization profile pages would allow for Foundations to create more specific reports. Assigning contacts to a specific "VIP" category or "ED" category could be a game changer for managing contacts in Foundant and pulling these in reports. Same scenario with organizations; having the capability to place them on a hold category, or inactive category would help a great deal in reports.
1 vote -
Metrics Dashboard Date Range
It would be great if you could customize the date range you see when looking at the metrics dashboard. For example, the decisions show the last 12 months, but I only want to see January 1 to today's date. I do not want December of 2022 bulked in that data.
6 votes -
Organizational Summary - Amount Requested
It would be helpful if you could customize (at least one column) on the Organizational Summary page. For example, "Type" is not useful to us, but "Amount Requested" would be. Our Trustees often award more or less than the organization requested and it would be helpful to see this information.
7 votes -
Grant applications searched for by using the "Referred by" field
Issue: Board members want to be able to view and export a grant application list that were referred by them.
Provide ability to search for grant applications with "Referred by" search term with pull-down menu from the "Referred by" field.1 vote -
GLM Metrics Dashboard Award Rate of Applications
Provide a metric that shows the ratio of applications that received an award to the total number of applications submitted. It can help measure the competitiveness and success of the grant program.
3 votes -
Running Total in Evalutation Form
It would be beneficial if evaluators could track the approved grant amount per organization while they are evaluating the applications. Having an in-system ability to track the running total amount of funds being granted would decrease the chance of the evaluators going over or under the total budget allotted for the whole grant cycle.
1 vote -
Suggestions for Custom Columns
It would be helpful to see the amount awarded from the All Open Approvals screen.
From the Organization Summary page on the Request History tab, is there a way to change the column header "Date" to say "Decision Date", since that is what that column is showing us?
Finally, it would be helpful if the primary user column were visible on the Organizations page.
12 votes -
Ability to view additional fields on the Request Summary
It would be great to be able to view some additional information on the Request Summary, specifically the project start and end date, and the total grant award. Ideally, it would be able to customize that form to our needs. Program staff don't want to have to open the application to find that information and would prefer to have it on the Request Summary.
22 votes -
Add county to the organization info
It would be helpful to have the county of an organization as a field in the organization profile since we are a regional foundation that serves specific counties. Currently we work around it by using the country field for the county but one must remember the work around when pulling reports.
7 votes -
Add additional "Document Types" under Request Documents
Currently, there is only an option to select site visit, board summary, correspondence, and other document types in the Request Documents section on the Request Summary. It would be great if we could either customize that list to meet our specific needs, or be able to add a couple more types. Common documents we would use are project modification, revised budget, returned grant funds. We currently use "Other", but I think adding a couple more options provides consistency in data entry.
20 votes -
Customization of the Organizational Information Form
It would be incredibly useful if we could customize the Organizational Information form that organizations fill out when first registering with Foundant. By this I mean not just removing fields, but adding new fields, changing character counts, adding instructions, and changing the layout/order of the fields. For example, it would be very helpful to have organizations include their full legal name/fiscal sponsor's legal name in the organizational information page, rather than having to include that as a question on the LOI/Application each time an organization applies.
10 votes
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