Reports of Evaluation Scores
I am finding that it is more difficult to export Evaluation scores using the new Reporting tool than with the old Export Data tool. I am trying to create a data set (1 row per Evaluation) that just includes scores from the Application stage with the following fields: Organization Name, Project Name, Amount Requested, Evaluator First Name, and 2 fields for the 2 questions on our Evaluation Form. For each project, I get twice as many rows as needed: 1 set of rows without scores and another set of rows with the scores. I've noticed that even though I select Project Name and Amount Requested from the Application Evaluation tab and click Save. When I see that the Report is wrong (rows with empty cells for scores). I go back and see that although I unchecked the boxes for Project Name and Amount Requested under the Request, LOI, and LOI Evaluation tabs; the Reporting tool keeps checking them. It's like if you check the boxes for Project Name and Amount Requested in the Application tab, it automatically checks them in the other tabs, which then gives you rows with empty cells in the Report.
Even if you tried to create a report with both LOI and Application evaluation scores (the same 4 evaluators for each evaluation), for each project you still get 4 rows for LOI scores and 4 rows for Application scores. I think it should produce a report with just 4 rows per project.

Weston Paul commented
Hello Helen,
I am in the process of building a tutorial to demonstrate how this data can be captured correctly. In the interim, I just built a really cool report for you in your saved reports. The reporting tool is capable of capturing just the information that you requested.
I get pretty excited about how cool of a tool that it is!
Helen commented
I'd like to add to this comment that the extra rows are not only an inefficient use of space they mean that if you group (by Project Name) and aggregate (e.g., mean) the Evaluation Score field from the Request tab, the mean may not be what you expect. I created a data set with only Application Evaluation scores, even though we had scores from an LOI evaluation. The Reporting tool showed an Evaluation Score for each row with no information in the Application Evaluation fields, as well as an Evaluation Score for each row with information in the Application Evaluation fields. So, if I calculated a mean of Evaluation Score, it would include the bogus Evaluation Scores for the rows with no data in the Application Evaluation fields. Bottomline, this is more than a cosmetic problem.