Saving all documents in one packet
I would really love a way to export all documents, applications, evaluations etc. for an org (for each particular process) all at once rather than downloading and saving each item individually.
For example, Grantee A: LOI, LOI Eval, App, App Eval and any other docs or processed they completed for a particular grant.
This would be incredibly helpful for filing purposes to have everything in one place/merged into one document.
Currently, we have to go to each separate proccess to create packets and save...very time consumming!

Shelley Wujcikowski commented
We too would like a way to download all of the documents and forms by organization.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for the feedback. I'll have to do some thinking about where it makes the most sense to try to display access to this feature. It's certainly not a trivial effort, but I see the value in what you are suggesting.
-chris -
Rachel commented
Yes Chris, that is correct, a print packet for ENTIRE applicant request with all documents and forms. I'm not sure where the best place to access it would be. Right now it's very tedious trying to save mulitiple packets and documents to our files.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for submitting this suggestion. I've heard some similar ideas every now and then, including That idea is more about batch print packets, but it's related.
When I saw the title for your idea, I assumed it was an idea for saving (downloading) all the documents associated with a given applicant request, but after reading it, I don't think that's correct.
So to clarify ... when you say you want "a way to export all documents, applications, evaluations, etc. for an org (for each particular process)" ... there's a lot going on there. Examples always are helpful. I read this as saying that you would like the ability to create a print packet for an entire applicant request. This packet would include each form (LOI, LOI Eval, App, App Eval, Follow-ups [if any]) and the documents associated with each form (essentially the file upload questions). Is that correct? And where would you like to access this functionality - the request summary page?