Evaluation Summary - for staff evaluator role
(Suggested by fellow grants staff Trudy Wild)
Currently there is an attractive summary of all panelist scores and comments (Dashboard / Application Evaluation Open / Summary) - but only staff can access this (Our evaluations are anonymous and un-shared). This is available per application, with questions down the left hand side and staff evaluator names across the top.
We'd like for a single staff evaluator to be able to view his own summary. This should encompass all applications in one view - with questions down the left hand side and applicant organization names across the top.
posted September 16, 2013 by Mary Giraulo, United Arts of Central Florida

Mary Giraulo commented
Panelists like to know how their scores rank the applications - if a panelist gave application A a score of 90, she may want to edit that assessment after giving application B a score of 75.
If the view works better to have applicants down the side and scores across the top, I'm sure we wouldn't mind.
All that said, we are not expecting to use evaluations for many of our next grant programs (so you may want to put this idea on the back burner). Some grant programs score on the spot in the panel meeting; the few panelists that have used the evaluation system so far found the evaluations cumbersome. That may change if you are able to implement the idea of in-line evaluation questions in the application...
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Mary,
I think I understand what you're asking for, but it would help if I understood the motivation as well. Is there a problem that this would help solve?
One challenge I can see - and one that most web applications face - is how to deal with an undetermined amount of data. For instance, if I understand correctly, the proposed view would probably look fairly good if there weren't that many applications in a single view (i.e. less than 15 or 20). However, if there were 30 or 40 or 50 applications, the width that would be required exceeds that which is available for most people. While we could look at implementing a horizontal scrolling solution, that makes it hard for a review to see all the summaries at once.
In cases such as this, where it's challenging to represent the data nicely on the screen, we have worked to provide more export functionality. I'm not sure if this would be something that Trudy would find useful, but it would be one option.
Thanks for the suggestion, and I look forward to hearing more feedback,