Prompt prior to auto-email
We were thrilled when you first offered auto-email, but found ourselves in an embarrassing sitation when we had to re-enter some applications on behalf of applicants. This was due to a techinical problem on our end, and the applicants were not involved. Lo and behold, when we clicked 'submit' they all got emails thanking them for their application. This did cause confusion and embarrassment. I think auto-email is great, but would it be possible to add a feature to prompt us to confirm the email be sent prior to it automatically being sent off? This could be a global feature that we could select. It's either always auto-email or always prompt first.
posted April 11, 2013 by Laura Kurzrok, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Madi Syring commented
Agreed! We have run into similar instances where we have been processing student applications in SLM and it has auto-emailed students of their awards before we have been able to get formal award letters out to them.
I would love a confirmation feature so that I can monitor whether I want students to receive these communications or not. A delay feature could also be useful here.
See 'Delay Auto Emails' as another proposed idea!
Ideas commented
Correct, I would not need a prompt about an automatic email going to an administrator.
posted June 12, 2013 by Lynn Larson, Fred and Jean Allegretti Foundation
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Lynn and Laura,
Thanks for the clarification. Based on what I'm hearing, this would be simpler to implement than what I was first envisioning.
I will bring it up to our Product Team for discussion and see what other folks have to say.
One last question - in some cases there are multiple automatic emails attached to an action. For instance, if an applicant submits a form, an email could be sent to them as well as to the administrator(s). I'm assuming you'd just want the prompt to be for the automatic email that would go to the non-administrators, correct?
Thanks again for the input,
posted June 12, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Chris, I agree with Laura again. I would like a prompt that let's me know that an auto email is going to be sent and give me the opportunity to confirm.
posted May 1, 2013 by Lynn Larson, Fred and Jean Allegretti Foundation
Ideas commented
Hi Chris,
Thanks for reviewing our suggestion. Actually, I don't care if it's affiliated with logging in as the applicant. In an ideal world I would like a prompt each time an auto email is about to send to confirm.
Is that still a lot of work?
I understand that you have other pressing priorities, but if this is possible, at some point, it would be great.
posted May 1, 2013 by Laura Kurzrok, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Laura and Lynn,
Thanks for the suggestion. I can understand how it would be nice to have a bit more control over the automatic notification. I assume you'd just want the prompt when you, as an Administrator, are logged in as an Applicant, correct?
Assuming this is the case, it's a bit more challenging than it sounds, mostly because we have to override built-in behavior to keep track of multiple identities within a single user session. While logically it's pretty straightforward, from an actual coding perspective, it's a bit complicated and has security implications.
At this point, I'd say it's not too high on our priority list, especially given the need to do some other work on notifications - like making them process-specific in places.
If you can provide a response to my question, we'll definitely keep this on the list of things to consider as time permits.
posted April 30, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
We have had this problem on only a couple of occsions, again from our end. But I would agree with this suggestion.
posted April 16, 2013 by Lynn Larson, Fred and Jean Allegretti Foundation