Create a "recently searched" list
It would be great if there was a running live list of organizations or requests that I've recently searched for or had open--like maybe the last 10 or so. Sometimes things come up and I have to go back into an organization's page that I was just in, and have to type it all over again in the search box. Would be great if I could just click it!
Lori commented
Hi. Commenting again in hopes of having this considered again.
Sammie, as a small foundation, it would be fine if the searches were foundation wide. However, I can see why larger orgs would prefer user specific searches.
The ability to search with certain criteria would be nice, but IMO not crucial.
When we are preparing for a Grants Comm or Board meeting, we are "in and out" of the same organizations' info several times. It would be a real time saver to have a list of recently accessed organizations available.
Thanks for considering!
Kristen Summers commented
I like also the saved search with certain criteria (recently approved, etc.)
I think the saved searches with last 10 orgs be user specific. The saved searches w/ certain criteria could be Foundation wide.
Holly Norman commented
I would also love this feature, especially when working in the scholarship site.
Lori commented
Yes, please! Recently searched or recently modified (in case they were accessed from the dashboard).