Grant Request Amount on Application Packet
The cycle, organization name, project name, and applicant print on the cover page. Any way to add the amount requested? Seems like that would be helpful to many wanting that cover page to be a snapshot.
Jenni Hanna commented
Would also like to see that dollar amount on the chart/table on the screen where the organization, project, etc info is listed on the application evaluation main screen. It would allow us to quickly add up request totals.
Jen Beatty commented
@Debbie Mueller - Yes, but you can only pull the amount requested for the CURRENT application. The thing that makes it complicated is pulling that full history. I now do a search Requests and Decisions for the organization, then do a quick export that includes the amount requested. Then I cut and copy that into a new column that I've entered into the cover page. I do this for all 600 proposals I get each year. It's a very time consuming work around.
Debbie Mueller commented
If you know how to work with merge fields in Word, you can customize your own merge document and send it to Support. They'll replace the default for your system with whatever you send them.
Mike deHilster commented
I know that some grants have a fixed grant amount (so I've answered my own question really), but I've still never otherwise understood why "Amount Requested" wasn't a dedicated system field. If the grant amounts were fixed, then admins could just enter that.
Jen Beatty commented
I am basically dying to have this piece of information. I do a customized cover sheet that includes the table from the organization packet. For every single application, I have to go in and delete one of the awarded or paid columns and add a requested column. Then I have to click through (many, many, many clicks) each application to find the amount requested and plug it into my cover sheet. This adds 5-10 minutes per application to my workflow. Knowing how much the organization requested versus what we funded on previous grants is CRITICAL to our decision making.
Celeste C commented
Yes, I have thought the same thing several times
Sandy commented
I agree that this would be helpful. In general, the cover page that prints out with each application could use a lot of improvement - the applicant's name and organization appear multiple times on the page. It's messy, redundant, and there's a lot of wasted space.
Lisa Lynde commented
Also would like to see the amount requested column added to the Application Submitted menu bar along with process, org name, applicant, project name, etc.