Multiple 3rd Party Templates in Same Process
We have a couple of applications where the student needs to have their counselor upload their transcript for them, as well as have 2 different references upload letters of recommendation. But since only one template can be attached to the process, our email tried to explain that the student was requesting a transcript OR letter of reference and to refer to the student's email to clarify which they needed. We then provided text for the students to paste into the email. But it seems at least 50% of the time, the student didn't fully follow the instructions and confused 3rd party folks contacted me to clarify. Tying the 3rd party template to a question rather than a process would be great!
Sara Cryan commented
This is exactly the type of issues I run into as well. Since most of our 3rd parties are only temporarily in the system and most times for recommendation letters, that individual will only be submitting one letter so they aren't familiar with how the system works. I would really like to have the capability to pick which email template I assign based on question and not just one based on the entire process.
Sara Cryan commented
After thinking about this issue a little bit, would it be possible to have a merge field in the email template called "3rd Party Question" which links to the name of that 3rd Party Question? This would be much easier than having to manage email templates for each type of 3rd Party Request.
Current Format: {{Sender.FirstName}} {{Sender.LastName}} has requested that you provide a letter of recommendation, transcript or employment verification on their behalf as a part of the {{Process.Name}}.
Propsed Format: {{Sender.FirstName}} {{Sender.LastName}} has requested that you provide {{3rd.Party.Question}} on their behalf as a part of the {{Process.Name}}.
I have no idea what goes on behind the scene to accomplish something like this so I could be completely in left field but this would make a lot more sense. Anytime I have the chance to use merge fields in email templates, I am all for it. Automation is key!
Sara Cryan commented
Yes it would be much easier if we could attach automatic emails to a specific question and not just a process. We have many confused third parties who think they need to upload more than one thing because of the way we worded the email. OR if there was a field we could insert into the email template instead. So it would pull the name of the 3rd party request question that is being required by the 3rd party into the email template. This way you can cut down on email templates but also have them more customized.
Liz McClure commented
We have a couple of applications where the student needs to have their counselor upload their transcript for them, as well as have 2 different references upload letters of recommendation. But since only one template can be attached to the process, our email tried to explain that the student was requesting a transcript OR letter of reference and to refer to the student's email to clarify which they needed. We then provided text for the students to paste into the email. But it seems at least 50% of the time, the student didn't fully follow the instructions and confused 3rd party folks contacted me to clarify. Tying the 3rd party template to a question rather than a process would be great!