3rd Party Confused
We had a lot of problems this year with 3rd party individuals being confused by the fact they received an email from the student and an email from us for the same request. Is there some way to streamline things so that the 3rd party recipient would only receive one email? I would prefer our template email to the student's email, as they often don't include all or the correct information. Or maybe possible to add the students email wording to the start of the auto-generated email? It became even more confusing for students who were requesting documents for multiple applications. Several school counselors didn't upload documents needed to all applications as they thought it was a mistake to receive 4 emails about the same student.
Carol Sloper commented
I totally agree with this post for several:
1. The more email an address gets from a "system" email account, the bigger chance it will be flagged as Spam / Junk and missed completely. Having an email from the student followed immediately by an email from the system can potentially flag the account as spam.
2. Teachers get multiple requests from students and get overwhelmed with email. Cutting that in half will help them tremendously (as long as the email includes the name of the student and the scholarship).
I love the idea that is under consideration that would tie the student's email with the system generated email link.
Sara Cryan commented
I also agree that it makes sense to have the organization's email template. It is confusing to receive 2 separate emails and typically the one from the student goes to the 3rd party's junk mail.
What if 3rd Party questions were set up like this:
1. Applicant enters 3rd Party email address (same as before)
2. Applicant types in optional personal message (instead of composing a separate email)
3. The organization's template shows up so they can preview it with their personal message.
4. Applicant hits sends message.