Mass Upload and Delete Email Attachments
It would be very helpful if we had the ability to mass upload documents from file to the email attachments in GLM. It would also be great if we had the ability, with a checkbox, to mass delete the email attachments once we are done with them.
yuvette wayman commented
This would be ideal to be able to delete all attachments so you don't have 100's attachments listed while trying to upload a new file.
Ode Belzile commented
This would be very useful when e-mail attachments contain sentitive information (e.g. SIN in the tax form we must provide to scholarship recipients). We would like to keep a trace of the e-meil sent, without the attachment.
Ode Belzile commented
This would be very helpful when attachments contain sensitive information (e.g. tax form that we must provide to scholarship receipients, containing their SIN).We would liek the ability to keep the e-mail trace, without the attechment.
Jmorris commented
Agreed. As it stands when we upload a document to attach in an email, they accumulate and I can't see any way to remove them. See attached. We currently have 38 available attachments - from as far back as 2018 and no way to remove them. This means we have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list to check the newly added attachment we're looking for. This will quickly become unmanageable as we will be emailing grantees and attaching our budget forms (specific to each grantee) in the near future. Can you add a delete feature to remove older attachments that are no longer relevant?