Scholarship Fund Information synced from CSuite
We would currently love if SLM could be synced to CSuite in a way that we could pull Scholarship Fund information into forms and merge templates. i.e. Scholarship Name, Scholarship Description, etc. Or at least have the ability to store scholarship fund information with SLM.

01/03/2024: Scholarships: Created a new endpoint for SLM integrated sites to allow for Scholarship Ids to be displayed in SLM. This will allow the CSuite Scholarships to display in SLM as a list. Any updates to scholarship names, new scholarships, or removed scholarships in CSuite will be updated in SLM. This will allow SLM users to set the CSuite Scholarship id on the scholarship opportunity before syncing to CSuite. If the Scholarship award is linked with a Scholarship selected from SLM, CSuite users will not have to Set Scholarship for the awards. Once the scholarship is synced, CSuite becomes the system of record.
Mary Perrine commented
With the number of opportunities that we manage, it's time-consuming to match the scholarships awarded in SLM to funds in CSuite. When using the UA, the name of the award comes over. Shouldn't there be a way to sync them without have to make more work? It seems that the more we have to manipulate data, the more chances there are to make mistakes.
Julie Looper commented
It would also be very helpful if there was a place to store the information for each opportunity, whether that is in CSuite and synced to SLM, or in SLM, including the details of the award. For example, the award period that the funds can be applied to, or what the funds can be used for tuition/fees, books, supplies, room/board, etc. Would also be very helpful to show if the opportunity is a renewable or one-time opportunity, and if renewable, for how many years, two, three or four. These are all fund details, but they are details that an administrator needs to know to be able to process the award, as well as information that needs to be shared with the student. when you have a large number of opps, it is hard to keep all of that information outside of the system.
Anonymous commented
The work arounds we've had to create because this isn't an option are a pain and not ideal. This would be a huge improvement on the software!