Access to campaign (event) data by Fund Advisors
Fund Advisors should be able to at least view (if not manage/edit) Campaigns attached to their funds. We facilitate events to some degree for our clients, but don't manage the day to day planning, RSVP list, etc. As it is, we have to provide them a guest list manually. They prefer to use other systems like Event Brite, etc., since they have much more control. When they do, we have to manually enter their ticket sales income... The real benefit of the Campaign system for us would be to empower clients to run their own events!

Jessica Renfro commented
Yes! I just want to reiterate how helpful this would be! We also facilitate a number of events for our fundholders and sending a weekly ticket report/guest list manually leading up to the event is very time-consuming. It would be great if fund advisors had the ability to see campaign information through the online portal.
Courtney Brown commented
This would be SO helpful!