Filtering interfund grants out of grant reports
Our Foundation is concerned that including interfund grants in our total grant amounts artificially inflates the numbers because the same money counts as a grant both going between funds and again when it's granted out. It would be great if there were a filter option so we could easily filter out interfund grants when we pull grant reports.
Sherri Rush commented
Yes, please! It's time-consuming to go through the year's worth of grants and try to pick out interfunds like we're picking fleas off a monkey! We don't have time for that and we need good numbers for our annual report and auditors!
Julie Cole Mecum commented
I'd also like to see that same ability with interfund gifts.
If you add a reverse filter on the grant reports where the grantee is your foundation, that will filter out all interfund grants. If you are using affiliate profiles, you would also need to add those grantees as well.