Fund statements - sort by fund advisor or fund
Give foundations the option for fund statements to sort by either fund advisor or fund.
Marie Felver commented
The option to change the sort would save so.much.time. We mail our fund statements once per year. Because the statements print in alpha order by fund name, we have to hunt through stacks of envelopes to get fund statements in the same envelope. We have many fund founders who have multiple funds. It would be more efficient to just have one statement per envelope, but that is wasteful on envelopes and postage. If I could print statements in fund advisor alpha order, problems would be solved!
Stephanie Gassen commented
Fund statements are printing by fund advisor and need option to print by Fund Name to file accordingly
Dean Busack commented
It seems that the sort order has changed recently. Now it is sorted by fund? Please give us the option to choose the sort order!
Christine Stammer commented
We have found that it is sorting by the fund advisor "mailing label" which for us can be odd due to how the system handles organizations, etc. Not all of our fund advisors have something in the mailing label field. So then the system handles those that are blank even more oddly.
Shaine Schramling commented
I really think we need to be able to toggle this. Just today I tried to print Fund Statements and they are ONLY printing alpha by Fund Advisor. I always have done our fund statements Alpha by Fund Name.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! I have to sort through the printed statements to match the letters and envelopes that I ran in alpha order. The fund statement pdf should have options for sorting in this manner.