Donor is randomly misspelled "doner". Search and correct! We're not kebabs!
Donor is misspelled as "doner" throughout. I most recently encountered it today when pulling a Donor Report into Excel and the header of one columns said "doner_ID" - please search and destroy these mistakes. MANY thanks.
Anne Garrett
shared this idea
Sandy DeSimone commented
can you plz correct the spelling of the word DONOR in your CSV export files for the donor report. you spell it DONER in the CSV filename.
Dean Busack commented
Why would you archive this?!?!? JUST FIX IT!
Lyndsey Thompson commented
"doner" also appears when selecting "Donor" from the Profile Is section of a profile record but the user does not have access to this specific "Profile Is" option.
Dean Busack commented
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FIX THIS! It's so unprofessional-looking.