Donations: change fund
Change fund on donation
I wish there was a way to do a fund adjustment on a donation. There is an option to change donor, but not to change fund. There are occasions where we find this out after the period has closed and there's no great way to fix it.

Trina Bowling commented
This feature is now available for donations by check, but not for Stripe donations. Can this ability be added for Stripe donations as well please?
Michele Jeican commented
Just wondering if any progress has been made on this? We have a situation where we received over 100 gifts in memory of someone and the family wants to transfer that to a fund in the name of the memorialized person. Most of the gifts were made in the beginning of the year, so we would have to open the books, unreconcile the bank account, delete all the deposits, change the fund, repost the deposit, re-reconcile the bank account and close the period. That puts us at a lot of risk for error. Of course, we can do an interfund transfer to move the total of gifts, but the donation history will only live on the original fund and not on the new fund being established.
Michele Jeican commented
Has any progress been made on this? We have had to do some year-end cleanup on donations and incorrect funds - mostly between agency and foundation, and it's so messy. I think that's one of the only things I miss from FIMS is the ability to adjust a donation without having to unreconcile the bank account or do it via an interfund.
Tiffany Peterson commented
Need the ability to 'Change Fund' on donations without unreconciling the bank account. Most systems have this feature. This was discussed at Summit and Chris Sutton said this could be fixed. The entire room of attendees found unreconciling a bank account to change one gift to be an issue.
Michele Jeican commented
It would also be great if you could change the fund of a donation in a current period without having to unpost the deposit!!