General Ledger Search- From>To Accounts
When you go into the General Ledger search... it would be beneficial to have a from account number and to account number to get a consecutive series of general ledger accounts.
Example GL 63000-65000.... it would show all the transactions for those accounts. It would be grouped by the GL with subtotals. Every accounting software I have used has had the option to pull a series of general ledgers like this.
This is not feasible with the new financial reports being released this month since the general ledger would have the description on it. We use the descriptions a lot and would like to be able to search using the description for a group of GLs. Financials do not have the capability to have descriptions with them, so therefore this would have to be done in the general ledger area.
I do believe everyone using CSuite could easily benefit from this.

Yes please! Our auditors want to see ALL GL activity account by account, line by line. To my knowledge there is no feasible way to extract this information.