Deposit List - ability to sort by different column
When I deposit in the till - it would make it MUCH easier if the deposits could be alphabetized by the FUND NAME - because they all get deposited in the same account. When I have a large till, I have to carefully check that right boxes for different deposits.

Michelle Gruhn commented
I would like to be able to select "all" with the check boxes
Christine Stammer commented
We have a review process for our deposits before they go to the bank. It would be helpful for this process if the Till - List Deposits had some basic filters like other screens. Filter by date or deposit account. Or at least Sort options on the columns to sort by date or account.
Wendy Ponting commented
Better yet, have the ability to sort the deposit however the user needs it sorted.
Lee O'Neil commented
I would like to be able to sort the donations in the Till Deposit window alphabetically by donor. Helpful when you have a campaign that generates hundreds and hundreds of donations.