Bulk Make Student Grantee/Payee
To help increase the efficiency of processing scholarship payments that need to be payable to the student; a bulk action to set grantee to student would be beneficial. Currently, it requires creating the student profiles in CSuite first via a bulk import with the is grantee, is vendor, is student designation then you have to create the scholarship award (manually, via import or through integration). If you use the SLM integration you must set the student as the grantee/payee on each scholarship one by one. This is a very tedious process that leaves lots of room for error, the creation of duplicate profiles and it just time consuming. A bulk make the student the grantee/payee on the scholarship option would save all of this time when working with these types of awards. It would be necessary to have either a bulk override of the charity check for these student/payee/grantee profiles or CSuite to build in logic that would automatically skip the charity check if the grantee/payee is also the student. Either option would help to process the scholarships through the grants area in a more efficient way.

Laura Kruse commented
This is currently possible with the scholarship import currently. There is a column that says "make student payee". If this were able to also be done in the "new" bucket it would be amazing. It also does NOT make the student a grantee which is ideal but still allows the payment to go out to the student from the scholarship.
Natalie Ringenberg commented
This is super helpful to Canadian clients as most of them pay the students directly.
Mary Perrine commented
This is critical for us with the number of scholarships that process in a very short period of time. Would be a game-changer!