profiles: display relationship and engagement tab numbers
It would be helpful if the Relationships and Engagement tabs had numbers like Files and Notes do.

Eyerusalem Gehringer commented
I think this is a great suggestion as it makes it worthwhile to see if there is information there rather than having to click between tabs.
Tracy Kramer commented
When opening up profiles/funds users can readily see if there are any files or notes attached to them by the number next to them. It would be extremely helpful if the relationships and engagement tabs could do the same. See attached image.
Michelle Collins commented
Hello there,
Would it be possible to indicate if there are any Relationships on a profile? It would be nice to see a number as there is with Files and Notes. I'm currently working on a clean up project and finding that I have to click on the Relationships tab for every record to see if the record is linked to an employer.
I see that there was an Idea Lab requesting an indicator already. That idea seemed to trigger the addition of a number for the Files and Notes, but it didn't seem to roll over to Relationships and Engagement.