Grant Request Left-Hand Menu Redundant
Currently, there are two tabs in the Fund Advisor portion of the portal that seem redundant - Grants and Grant Requests. In the old portal, those two had separate functions. "Grants" listed all grant history, etc. and "Grant Requests" allowed those who had permission to request a grant. In the new portal, the two tabs seem redundant due to the new Create Grant Request button that shows on every tab. The only portion I can see on the Grant Requests tab that is unique is grant requests that need approval. Could all grant information be moved to the Grants Tab and the Grant Requests permission be connected only to the "Create Grant Request" button? When Grant Requests permission is "Yes" then the Create Grant Request button shows. All other pertinent grant information is listed under the "Grants" tab.
Melissa Pawlak commented
This has been flagged by our fund holders and it does cause confusion! I'd love to see this change.