Add Grant Service Area to Bulk Action options in custom reports
Please add "Set Service Area" to the options under Bulk Actions of a custom report just like there is the ability to "Set Grant Type" from this menu. This field does not have the ability to be required on all grants and it very important to have filled in to report on who our grant dollars are serving, so if it is not filled in for a group of grants that can mean manually updating hundreds at a time.

Update: This is available in a Profile Custom Report. If set at the profile level, this will carry over to the grant. It can be edited.
Zac Smith commented
The profile field is helpful and something we have been filling in, but effective enough to supplement the need for a bulk edit on the grants themself after they have already been created. There are just too many cases of a new grantee where the field is not filled in and therefore it is not added to the grant or where the grantees service area is not a match for the grant (grantee is national, but this grant is for a specific local town or county). It would also be helpful in the case that we were changing the way we report on Service Area by adding new options or condensing previous options, we would of course want to update historically so reporting is not a mess for everything before that point.