Navigation: Shift-Select Multiple Checkboxes #letshifthappen
When filtering a custom report on a field with dozens or hundreds of entries (Ex: fund account listings) you currently need to check one... This forced exercise in patience and eye-straining focus is simply unjust. We don't need the carpal tunnel injury lawyer sharks to start circling our Foundat dev team. Let's agree that the humane solution is to grant the user the civilized option to hold down shift while selecting between checkboxes, to auto check all the ones between them. Just 2 clicks needed for a range, not 200.

Loriel Grigsby commented
Being able to shift-click and select multiple check boxes across all of CSuite would be nice. I'm try to make my workflow more efficient and eliminate the amount of clicks. It doesn't make sense that this feature is limited to certain areas of the site, especially since it's a fairly common keyboard shortcut.
Sherri Rush commented
This would also be helpful in reconciliations! #letshifthappen
Shari Richards commented
Seems like this would be very helpful!