Would anyone else like to see Declined grants in the Dashboard?
I love the quick Dashboard view to see what has been submitted, granted, etc. but would also like the same info at a glance for the number grants which have been declined. There doesn't seem to a be a "one click" way to view this info.
posted August 5, 2011 by Alison King, The Ron Joyce Foundation

Rosalind Calvin commented
Agreed! It's so important to see the full picture of where things landed in the review for a grant process. It also would help me track my work flow more efficiently. I hope this one moves up in the queue for resolution.
Kira commented
Hi Sammie,
Another line in the denial section with those batch actions would be great!
Along those lines, it would be really helpful if the dashboard reflected the number of closed approvals/follow-ups. That way the dashboard would give you the full reflection of all applications received in a cycle. As of now, when something is complete, it disappears from the dashboard.
Thanks so much! This will be an awesome improvement! -
Gloria Dillard commented
After thinking about this, it would be nice to see declined applications in the dashboard. It would save a lot of time because now, we have to go to request and decision just to see this information.
Sara Cryan commented
I am commenting to hopefully bring this discussion back into play. I would like to be able to see the Denial Bucket on the main workflow page to show more than just denial drafts. I would like it to show the actual denials too at a quick glance instead of having to go into Requests & Decisions are search for them. I would also like to see a Declined section so you can easily see which ones were declined at a quick glance.
Judy Weiss commented
I agree completely! Foundant, PLEASE add a bucket for 'Denied' under 'Draft' in the Deny box. There is no way to batch denials to DRAFT, so if I batch deny from Submitted they disappear off the Dashboard and are difficult to find. It would make things a lot easier to have them on the Dashboard - or to be able to batch deny to 'Draft'.
Nicole commented
It would be helpful if the 'Denial' box on the dashboard follow the format of the rest of the boxes and have a 'Denied' section to show those applications that were denied from that process. Right now it's very onerous to find denied applications, so I leave them as 'Assigned' until I'm completely done with the process.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi all,
From what I'm reading, there are a variety of opinions about the usefulness of adding Denied (or Closed) requests to the Dashboard. It seems like the biggest motivation (the "why") is simply to get a better picture of overall request management - is that fair to say?
For some folks - say those who only deal with a few hundred (or less) requests a year - this wouldn't be too bad to do. However, we also have users who have tens of thousands of Denied, Closed, and Abandoned requests each year. If simply showing a "count" for each was acceptable, this *may* be something we could look at. However, the impact of making it possible to view a list of these is pretty significant, and in the worst case, could consume a lot of server resources that are shared across clients. Therefore, I'm hesitant to add this without a pretty compelling use case.
Again, you all are the experts on the grant-making side, so I certainly respect where you are coming from. I do want to make sure, though, that whatever we decide to implement really has a high value to a fair number of users.
Thanks in advance for any additional feedback,
-chris -
Lauren Bruno commented
Not sure this is the most recent thread but I wanted to reiterate a need to have Denied and Closed grants on the Dashboard. As we move through complete grant cycles and Close grants out after the Follow Up stage, we would love to still see them on the Dashboard.
Kristen Cullen commented
We would be interested in seeing both declined and closed grants on our dashboard as well. Seeing them at a glance would be helpful.
Kelli King-Jackson commented
We would like to see 'declined' as we require agencies to wait 12 months before submitting a new request. We have missed a few folks this cycle because we could not quickly see our list of declinations.
Amy commented
I'm thinking the "foundation-by-foundation" idea would be best if that could be implemented. I'm undecided about this for our foundation at this point...It may be useful for us to see declines within an open process just to have a comprehensive snapshot of all activity for that process. In the past, I remember thinking that I wanted to see that number, but I don't know if it was just my desire for seeing the all-inclusive macro view of the process (...like that internal alarm signal saying ...hey where did that information go?) OR if it would really be useful to me. We only work on one cycle (process) at a time, so I don't think I would be opposed to this, but can see the issues for those that have rolling calendars and multiple processes at a time not wanting to add clutter with an overall "declined" tally that needs to be further sorted in order to locate the necessary info. For our foundation, this would not be a high priority item at this time. As I go through our next cycle, I'll consider how helpful this could be.
Thank you,
Amy Heinemann
Finnup Foundation Trust
Gwenn commented
I agree with Dana Jeffery in her response above. We deny hundreds of applicants and a list of them would be exceedingly cumbersome. My Board of Directors is not at all interested in the number of declined requests at any time. I have asked them if they would like me to report this information, and they said they see no use for it. So their answer was "no."
Bottom line is that a status tally for Denied requests is not useful to us. Please note this is just my opinion; this is not intended as disrespect.
Dana Jeffery commented
I am curious how this will look, if for each stage of the process we would have a separate line for Denied, or if it would be something at the very bottom of the Dashboard that sits alone?
We use evaluations for LOIs and this is sometimes our only point in which we might look at Denied lists, if it were represented in each stage of the Dashboard this *could* be interesting.
We deny literally hundreds of LOIs a cycle, and if this was going to show a history to the end of time, I can't say that this would be good for us. If it only represented Processes that are Active (not archived processes), that might be okay.
I just don't think I would want for the Denied status tally sitting alone at the bottom of the Dashboard, because then we would have to go in to look and see at which point the request was denied. Does that make sense?
Julia commented
I would also like to see declines for a particular cycle on the dashboard. If we "decline" a grant due to noncompliance, which really means it is "disqualified", I still need to report out on those while the cycle is active.
Chris Dahl commented
Hi all,
I definitely can understand why people want to see declined and closed requests. I don't want to add items for folks who don't use them, but it would be nice to accommodate people who want to see additional categories.
I'll bring this to our product team and see what the different perspectives there are in terms of priority. If it's not that risky / challenging to add the ability for these categories to be added on a foundation-by-foundation basis, it could be something we look at sooner than later. If it looks like a fair bit of effort, though, it probably won't be prioritized too high given other features / enhancements on the list.
posted April 29, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
I would like to see declined grants on the dashboard, as well as closed grants. I've mentioned this in the past and I'm glad to see others agree. I've actually held off closing grants so that we'd be able to still get to the Granted list quickly.
posted April 25, 2013 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations
Ideas commented
I would like to see declined grants show up on the dashboard....mbracken,ittlesonfoundation.org
posted April 17, 2013 by Maureen Bracken, Ittleson Foundation
Ideas commented
From Raymond's original post:
"Alternatively I could see where one might find it helpful to see some subset of declined grants on the Dashboard as a reference--perhaps for a particluar grant cycle?"
I think as it pertains to a particular grant cycle it would be helpful. Once the applications are closed, they don't matter as much to us. They can disappear. But, during a particular grant cycle it would be helpful to see how many we had denied in the process.
This would be a great addition for us.
posted April 16, 2013 by Lynn Larson, Fred and Jean Allegretti Foundation
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Marla,
Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep this on our radar and hopefully will hear back from other folks who have some opinions on this. Given the fact that this change would be highly visible, I'd definitely like to hear from as many folks as possible.
posted April 10, 2013 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Hi, Chris.
Closed grants would be my own highest priority. This would essentially give us a very quick snapshot of all of the granting activity made in a particular process. Denied grants would not be as crucial, but it would be helpful (again to show demand for funding, but this can also be pulled in a report.)
Personally, I really don't care much about abandoned requests - for us they are most often an applicant who is merely looking through an application or they are duplicate applications that never got off the ground that we simply don't need. I hope that helps - I'm happy to talk more about it if needed.
posted March 27, 2013 by Marla Collum, National Trust for Historic Preservation