Email records
http://null When using the email function / templates to contact applicants, is there any way the messages could be saved to the applicant's profile or tracked? It would be most helpful to have a log created of all communication sent to an applicant within their organization profile. Failing that, it would be useful to at least have a general "sent messages" folder. Does this exist now or is it possible in the future?
posted October 19, 2011 by Alison King, The Ron Joyce Foundation

Holly commented
I agree with Jill. It would be nice to have the capability to store responses to e-mails sent from Foundant as a thread, so that the complete conversation is documented. I currently have to copy the responses into a Word document and then upload back into Foundant. Not sure if this idea is possible, but it sure would save the extra steps!
Thanks for your consideration!
Jill Moravec commented
A feature we would like to have would be able to have applicants that we email from Foundant be able to reply to the message in a thread. This was all communication can be kept within Foundant. Right now, they reply to an outside email address and then we have to copy the message back into Foundant to keep a record of it within that specific grant. Just something that would be a nice feature.
Betty commented
Thank you all for posting to this discussion and I have some great news!! We have email archive capability slated for the next release into GLM which is 3.8.0. You will be receiving updates on the timing of this release but I anticipate this going into the demo environment no later than the beginning of August.
Please stay tuned for additional updates regarding this release.
Thank you,
posted July 16, 2013 by Betty Bloomer, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
We were just discussing tracking email and phone conversations somewhere on the request summary screen, so it was good to find this post. We're very interested in this capability.
Also, my eyes are getting older so I'm wondering if you can change the font for typing comments to post!
Thank you.
posted June 14, 2013 by Jane Somers, The Hamilton Family Foundation
Betty commented
Patricia and Emily,
Thank you for posting your messages to the Discussion Forum. We do have plans to incorporate email audit or archive capabilities most likely this year and we will keep you all updated as we get closer to having this available.
Regarding the spam problems that some of you are experiencing. Over the past few months we have made some configuration changes to the email settings to help alleviate this issue. The problem is that we have no control over the spam filters that are set up by email hosting services. During our research we have come across a few tips to try and help avoid having emails appear as spam. Here is a short list of possible issues:
1. Having URL's or web site links included in the body of an email.
2. Having one email message going to several email addresses can cause emails to go to junk mail.
3. Starting an email with "Dear" can also cause emails to go to junk mail.
We will continue to research this.
Thank you,
posted April 12, 2013 by Betty Bloomer, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
I agree with any type of enhanced functionality that will allow us to better track the emails we send by organization. And I second Patricia's frustration with not receiving copies. I rarely receive copies when I select that I want to receive one.
posted March 27, 2013 by Emily Watanabe, Akron Community Foundation
Ideas commented
This is a great discussion; however, that doesn't help anyone at this moment. I just sent out 67 emails using a template and I clicked the box to send a copy of the email to my foundation email. Out of the 67 that were sent, I've only received 5 copies, although the system generated message said that each one was sent!!!
Has anyone had trouble with this as well?
posted March 26, 2013 by Patricia Meredith, Irvine Health Foundation
Ideas commented
I am glad to hear this is on the list of future enhancements! We are new users and this is already a feature we have found ourselves looking for in GLM. Thanks.
posted December 5, 2012 by Karen Race, Claneil Foundation
Betty commented
Thank you, everyone, for sending us your input on this important matter. It is definitely on our list of future enhancements.
In the meantime, in one of our more recent releases we included the Bcc field on all email templates. Therefore, until we are able to attach correspondence to a specific request you can at least keep a record of your outgoing emails.
Please keep the suggestions coming.
Thank you,
Betty Bloomer
Foundation Technologies Client Services
posted June 28, 2012 by Betty Bloomer, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
I would like this functionality as well.
posted June 15, 2012 by Jennifer Pedroni, North Penn Community Health Foundation
Ideas commented
I would like to see this audit or communication feature added as well.
posted February 6, 2012 by Erin Baird, Allegany Franciscan Ministries
Ideas commented
I concur with the comments above. It would be a great help to be able to track emails sent through Foundant. Any progress on this?
posted January 3, 2012 by Sue McInnish, Alabama Civil Justice Foundation
Ideas commented
This was a topic of conversation at our lunch table during the Chicago Foundant Training day. We all seemed to agree that having the ability to save email correspondence to a user/organization would be extremely helpful in our processes.
Raymond, I also love the idea of manual log entry for other forms of communication. Currently I'm using a paper notebook to keep track of phone calls, which isn't exactly ideal. Thanks FOUNDANT for always listening to our ideas!
posted November 2, 2011 by Lynsie Laughlin, Foundation Management Inc.
Ideas commented
I second both of these ideas.
posted November 1, 2011 by Kim Guptill, Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation
Ideas commented
Communications recording is something that would be very beneficial to us. We try to keep track of various interactions with organizations and so far, have been using tools outside of Foundant. We would much rather have everything at our fingertips, that is accessible throughout the process.
We would like to track email correspondence associated with a grant process, but also, we would like to have notes (manual log entry) for the Project application, not just for the Organization. So far, we have used notes on the Organization Description and Comments piece, but this is not ideal. We prefer to have something specific for the actual Project, since this is what the discussions are connected to.
Thanks for looking into making this a possibility, it would be a perfect solution for us!
posted October 25, 2011 by Dana Jeffery, Ben & Jerry's Foundation
Ideas commented
Yes! That is a great idea. In fact we've got an even bigger initiative around auditing in general, communications as well as other aspects of the system.
In the communication the thought was to automate auditing of e-mail communications as you described as well as providing a manual log entry of other communications such as site visits or telephone conversations or even letters or dare I say texts!
We'd love to hear more thoughts around auditing in general as well as communications specific. Looking forward to more on this subject.
Thank you,
posted October 19, 2011 by Raymond Burket, Foundant Technologies