Appearance of Application Status Page (Applicant View)
I don't know whether this is an issue for anyone else, but I'm beginning to think that the Application Status screen (which is the first thing applicant's see upon logging in) could use a redesign.
When we assign follow-ups and communicate with our grantees about completing them, the emails and phone calls begin rolling in. Despite our providing extremely detailed instructions for locating and completing the follow-ups, grantees typically claim one of the following:
they don't see/can't find the form, (I haven't come up with a possible rationale for this)
they can't enter any data into the form, (they have mistaken their submitted application for the follow-up form and clicked "View Application")
that the form has already been completed. (they see the blue "Complete" link and think that means the form is complete.)
Granted, some of these mistakes are due to rushing, skimming instead of reading, and, perhaps, laziness. But, when about 80% of grantees contact us with the same questions it makes us wonder whether there's something more going on. I've looked at the application status page many times, so it's easy for my eyes to go right where they need to, but perhaps it is not as reader-friendly to those who have never used the system before.
I have attached a screen shot for additional clarity. Again, my questions are:
Do other agencies experience something similar with grantees? and
If so, does Foundant plan to redesign the application status page?
posted April 25, 2012 by Shantrell Adams, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities

Barb Owens commented
My organization is fairly new to GLM--we're starting our very first grant cycle using it. The first thing that comes to my mind when reading comments that refer to "Foundant terminology" is that it would be extremely helpful for Foundant to have a "Glossary of Terms" under the Tools--andy maybe a hyperlink to each section where terms seem to confuse users.
Barb Owens commented
I am new to Foundant, so please bear with me. However, in reading many of these comments, I notice a theme that we brought up with our Foundant trainer: it would be extremely helpful if Foundant created a "Glossary of Terms," providing Foundant's usage for the words they use in GLM (e.g., Process, Complete, form, etc.).
While I'm sure we'd all like Foundant to change their terminology to words that are in our own organization's vernacular, let's face it--we don't all use the same words--or if we do, we may not use them in the same way! A Glossary of Terms would help us--and our constituents--better understand what we're being asked to do or provide.
Ideas commented
We have a similar problem with applicaitons that were migrated - the applicant sees "Process: Legacy_Data_Import: and "Application Submitted and 01/01/001". We haven't had complaints or questions about this, but if possible, it would be ideal for the applicant to know the correct date and that the request has been "Granted" or "Denied" instead of the current "Submitted".
For the Follow-up, it would be helpful to see the date the grant was approved such as...
"Application Submitted Date Grant Approved Date View Application"
Is it possible to make the font color for due follow-ups in red? Or separate them out someway so they jump out more at the applicant?
posted June 14, 2013 by Jane Somers, The Hamilton Family Foundation
Ideas commented
I vote for a change in the name of Follow Ups. Not sure I want the term "grant reports" because some of these may be things like grant agreements or 990s.
In regards to these follow ups on the applicant dashboard , can the heading be something like status and then options being view and edit?
posted June 5, 2013 by Erin Baird, Allegany Franciscan Ministries
Ideas commented
When applicants log in, we tell them to include their "Access Code". Might that be a good substitute for "Process" on the Applicant-facing pages? Would it be possible for administrators to continue to see "Process".
We haven't had confusion around "Form Name".
We would love for Follow-Ups to be called Grant Reports.
posted June 5, 2013 by Kathryn Treanor, Dietel Partners, LLC
Ideas commented
We receive calls from grant partners unable to find their report or application too. I don't think these jump out at you especially for organizations with multiple applications and reports. My only suggestion is the terms "process" and "form" may be not be meaningful to applicants.
posted March 21, 2013 by Erin Baird, Allegany Franciscan Ministries
Ideas commented
We have had questions from applicants about completing their Follow Up report too. The word "complete" has multiple meanings, and it has caused some of the same confusion mentioned above. I've been trying to think of an alternate word to "complete", but I can't come up with one.
Is it possible to add a "help" button on the left column, or a hyperlink embedded in the applicant view somewhere, that would open up some helpful instructions on how to use the Applicant View?
posted September 26, 2012 by Karen Wallace, First Fruit Incorporated
Kris Thorson commented
Thanks for the input Laura and Mary,
Your comments are very valid and definately something we have heard from other clients. The applicant status page is one of the items on our list to revise. I am not sure when it will get done though. One of the challenges we will face is some foundations want to show the status of the application and some do not want to show it. The create date of manually entered grants or migrated grants will hopefully be something we can change as well. Any ideas of how that page should look and relay information is very helpful to us.
If any of our clients have ideas send them over. We will look at them when designing the specs for the changes.
posted September 26, 2012 by Kris Thorson, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Some of our applicants do have the same difficulty understanding the application status page and the word "complete."
posted August 23, 2012 by Mary Yager, Nebraska Humanities Council
Ideas commented
I have an issue that is also about applicants being confused by the application status page (applicant view) although not related to follow-ups. We started using Foundant GLM last fall and have been manually entering previous grants as applicants start the application process on Foundant. The date the previous grant was entered manually by The William Bingham Foundation (WBF) is the only date the applicants see when looking at their application status page. Because the manually added grants all have the same date (they were all entered by WBF at once) the applicant can't tell them apart and unless the applicant looks closely to see the one that has a status of "awaiting foundation action" they have no idea which one is the active one. When I am logged in as manager the date on the status page is the date the manually added grant was originally approved by our board. I would like for the applicants to see the same thing I see so they will be able to tell their grants apart. They should be able to see the status as "closed" rather than "submitted" and they should be able to see the date the grant was approved rather than the date WBF entered it manually.
posted August 6, 2012 by Laura Gilbertson, The William Bingham Foundation
Kris Thorson commented
Thanks for the input Shantrell.
Your screen shot and descriptions make perfect sense. I will forward this on to the dev team for consideration if it is not already in the works. I am curios to hear if other clients have had the same issues or possibly any other related issues. We could look at them all at the same time.
If anyone else has some input we would love to hear it.
Kris Thorson
posted May 16, 2012 by Kris Thorson, Foundant Technologies