Mulitple Addresses under Org
We often give to organizations who in turn fund other individuals (actual grant recipient) in separate locations. It would be great if we could have both the general organization info as well as a place for contact info for individual recipient. Sometimes, we even give to one organization with multiple grants, each eventually funding different individuals around the world. I am somewhat new to this so I may be missing something...
Idea posted June 15, 2011 by Amity Wicks, Rivendell Stewards Trust
Amy Hall commented
I agree with Kristen that this would be useful.
I have a handful of grantees that have different mailing and physical addresses and this feature can lead to some confusion. I think a simple solution would be to add a few more lines in this area to distinguish between mailing and physical address rather than "address 1" and "address 2." I've had grantees who think this means their second location if they have multiple address rather than a mailing and a physical.
Kristen Cullen commented
Have you considered having an option for organizations to add a second address field? The “Address 1” line and “Address 2” line work okay
for P.O. Boxes and Street addresses if the city, state and zip are the
same. However, we have organizations with a mailing address in one
location and a physical address in another location. We also have
organizations that have a headquarter address and a local address.For example, the Sierra Club Foundation is headquartered in
San Francisco. Their proposal is
submitted by someone in San Francisco and the grant check is mailed to San
Francisco. However, the site visit takes
place at the local chapter in Minneapolis where we are located. For our
records, we’d like to have both addresses.It would be slick if there was an option to click a box for a
second address and then you could label the address and fill in the appropriate
fields. The second address would only
appear if the box was checked and fields were filled out; similar to adding and
labeling an address on an iPhone. This
would keep the organization and contact area clean. It looks like there is plenty of room to have
a second address field below the original address and above the “primary
contact” information under the organization summary.Thanks for considering!
Ideas commented
I would like to see multiple contacts - currently our work-around is to keep a report field called Contacts for Email List. (We export the info anytime we need to send an important notice... and for our general Outlook email list.) Most applicants want to have at least two people on every notification - and some want as many as five or six different email addresses notified. I know this is a tall order in contact management...
posted September 16, 2013 by Mary Giraulo, United Arts of Central Florida
Chris Dahl commented
Hi Amy,
At this point, there’s not an option to do this. We have some work to do on improving Organization and Contact management as well as improving our email functionality. Your request makes sense and it’s something we’ll be in a better position to address once we make some other high priority improvements.
posted June 22, 2012 by Chris Dahl, Foundant Technologies
Ideas commented
Many of our organizations want to include multiple contacts for e-mails. Is there a way to include a back-up e-mail contact automatically? Thanks, Amy Palmer
posted May 24, 2012 by Amy Palmer, Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville
Ideas commented
For this next release we are looking at making more of these fields available. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Thank you Mary!
posted June 21, 2011 by Raymond Burket, Foundant Technoloiges
Ideas commented
Along the same lines, it would be great to be able to pull the ED's name when doing exports. We have some clients who do not want checks going to anyone else in the organization. Currently, that means, giong into each merged letter and changing the name, which can only be found by going into each record individually.
posted June 21, 2011 by Mary Nicosia, GMA Foundations
Ideas commented
A very valid request Amity. As you probably know, we currently capture only two instances of contact information on the registration form. This information applies to an applicant/organization for all subsequent requests as well. The scenario you're describing would probably benefit from having the ability to associate other contacts, outside the of the registration page, to a specific grant request. Currently we work around this need by asking folks to enter additional contacts in the application form. This works, but we don't flag those folks as "contacts" from a Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) point of view. They are just text boxes.
In the long term, we'd like to see GLM have the ability to associate multiple contacts to a grant request. In the short term, I think it might worth a quick phone to go over our options around capturing additional contact information in grant requests. Myself or one of my cohorts will contact you around your question sometime today or tomorrow. Thank you!
posted June 16, 2011 by Raymond Burket, Foundant Technologies