Batch Approval
It would be incredibly helpful and MUCH more efficient to have the option to batch approve requests. We are currently having to do single users each taking about 5-6 steps to complete. When we have dozens of applicants to approve this is terribly inefficient and frustrating.
With a batch approval option I could do the step once for dozens of applicants a time saving my team hours of time and repetitive work that should be automated.

Faelyn Smith commented
Why did this not happen? Seemed to be about to be implemented in May 2018 from the comment from Foundant copied below...what is the status currently?
Chris (Admin, Foundant Technologies) commented · May 1, 2018 2:26 PM · Report
We are working on development of this functionality now and expect to have it available this summer. This will either be an Advanced or a Standard feature - we are in the process of deciding that. Thanks!
-chris -
Debbie Comella commented
I have been asking for this since joining Foundant. Can this be implemented? I have 150 students receiving the same award for the same amount and 100 for a different award that has the same award amount and it takes a lot of time to individually award them all. Please help!
Chuck commented
Please work on a template for batch approvals!
Jessica Matta commented
An import template for approvals, similar to payments, would be incredible!
Debbie Comella commented
Awarding the same amount and the same opportunity to over 75 students can be done quicker and more efficiently (less chance of user error) if I could batch award.
Chuck commented
Yes, still needed!!
[Deleted User] commented
This is feature is still needed! I would love to be able to prepopulate answers in the decision forms.
Ilsa Sanchez commented
This would help so much with SLM for scholarships that have 300+ students receiving the same award amount.
Tiffany Wilhelm commented
Seconding Daniel Komansky in particular - It would be very helpful if we could batch approve grants that have already been saved in draft instead of having to finalize and approve saved draft approvals one by one.
Chuck commented
Would love to have this feature!
We are working on development of this functionality now and expect to have it available this summer. This will either be an Advanced or a Standard feature - we are in the process of deciding that. Thanks!
-chris -
Christine Daskais commented
It would be great to have the ability to do batch approval for common applications which do not receive any payment (for example in our case poster abstracts). Right now we have to approve all applications one by one, which is unnecessary and can be a time consuming step.
Daniel Komansky commented
It would be very helpful if we could batch approve grants that have already been saved in draft instead of having to finalize and approve saved draft approvals one by one.
Heather Beffa commented
I'm approving 47 grants today. I'd like there to be 1. a batch function for approvals and 2. a modifyable Approval form, with presets. For example, all of the approvals today have the same approval date, which is not today. Also, all will have 2 installments, with the same installment dates and contingencies. For now, I have to enter all of these things for each individual grant. Copy and paste doesn't cut it. Please help!
Stephanie commented
It would also be great to batch close projects.
Stephanie commented
It would save our organization a lot of time and prevent a lot of human error if we could batch approve requests and batch assign follow ups. For example, we would like to select a number of projects, select one decision date, amount, and due date for all, then select the appropriate follow ups and assign them at once. As our organization grows, it is getting more and more tedious to assign everything one by one. Thank you!
Diana Spencer commented
Our organization would benefit from the ability to batch approve in two of our processes.
In addition, a batch option to assign follow-up forms would be helpful. -
Katie Kaufmann commented
Batch approval from Approval Draft would be great. I can pre-approve all the particulars and then batch approve all in my draft folder. That way if an applicant happens to log on they won't see that they already have follow- ups assigned to them before they have "officially" been approved.
Serena commented
Batch approval would be amazing for us, since we have some programs where everyone gets the same amount. Please add this!
Amy Kurtz commented
I like the idea of batch approvals; the grid-like option that Grant mentioned in a webinar sounds great!