Email not template Saved Signature
While we can design an email template with an automatic signature, could we do the same for emails that are not a Template, maybe saving the complete signature in some other fashion
Sara Cryan commented
I was thinking the same thing. What I envisioned is that being able to set up email signature templates or even housed in the system data section. Then when creating an email template, you just select from your signature options which one you want to have on that email.
Debbie Mueller commented
I have my signature with title, contact info, and logo in every single template I've created in GLM. My title changed recently, and I've had to go through every single template and change that one item. And we will be moving our offices in the near future, which will require going through all that again. It would be so helpful to have a merge field (or some technical equivalent) that would allow me to maintain my signature in a single location. Allowing for multiple signature merge fields (or equivalent) would be a bonus - as our foundation grows, I can imagine the need for email templates from various staff members, not just one. And of course, I would like for it to allow full html capabilities (I currently have a logo graphic that links to the Foundation's website).