Tasks and Reminders
Please add the "task" feature like in CSuite to GLM and SLM! It is so handy when the workload is shared between people!

Witcher, Julia commented
We have a handful of grants that are initiated internally and repeat annually. Having shared tasks would help us ensure these are processed on time and don't get missed in the event that a staff member leaves.
Melissa commented
When a new grant program is approved midyear, it would be helpful to use Tasks and Reminders to ensure that the new grant program moves through the pipeline and that the grant program application goes live on the scheduled date.
Ode Belzile commented
It would be interesting, particularly if we were able to link the tasks to specific requests. For example, we have some delayed responses and it would be helpful to use tasks as reminders, directly in Foundant.
Paula Bellemore commented
This is very important for us. We often have one staff member completing an initial review, but the ED needs to give the final approval. Right now we create lots of work arounds, but it is very difficult to tell who is to do what and when.
Halle Leganza commented
Some tasks and reminders I'd love to see are action items like approvals (staff enters in information in the approval form, it is passed within the system to ED to be approved by them/marked "complete.") We'd also love to be able to pass internal forms to each other for review - we tag grants with a taxonomy that our program lead would review and approve or make edits to. etc. Essentially, the ability to take forms and direct them to another user's dashboard so they know there is action they need to take on them.
Melissa commented
Task and Reminders would benefit our foundation with the below scenarios where I currently manage the "X timeframe" in Outlook by creating a Task:
• Temporarily Reactivate a Group that has been DEACTIVATED. We find groups reach out to us after months of being DEACTIVATED. After we explain why the group was DEACTIVATED, we allow seven days for a DEACTIVATED group to correct the issue and become eligible once again in GLM. If no action is taken by the group within seven days, that group is placed back to DEACTIVATED status. However, when the group makes the correction that group is once again eligible for all grant opportunities.
• Missing Grant Check or Product Grant. We allow X timeframe for an awarded group to receive the grant. If they do not receive it by X timeframe we reship or issue a new grant check.
• Incomplete Follow Up (specific photo request or required story how grant benefit). We allow X timeframe for a group to email the missing Follow Up information before becoming eligible again in GLM.
• Alternate Funding Process. If a senior pet sadly passes away before the pet can benefit from awarded grant funding, we ask the awarded group to submit an alternate pet for review that will benefit from awarded funding. We give X timeframe for the group to submit the required alternate funding information for our review.
• Not An Active Member. If I find an applicant who does not have adoptable pets listed for their organization, I allow X timeframe to become eligible. Having adoptable pets is our first grant requirement and a group will be DEACTIVATED if they do not meet this requirement by X timeframe.
• Relinquished Awarded Check. A group requesting to relinquish the awarded grant they will have X timeframe to return the voided check or a refund check. If not received by X timeframe the group will be DEACTIVATED from GLM.
* Discrepancy with FollowUp. A group completes their FollowUp however we find a discrepancy where restricted grant money was not used correctly or identified correctly in a social media post. If not corrected by X timeframe the group will be DEACTIVATED from GLM. (we must have accurate FollowUps as we share them with our generous supporters and corporate partners)I would love to see a box added to the Dashboard/Open Request added, "Task" box. Permission should be given to all GLM admins to view and access any pending tasks. Within the Task box, three color categories of the task would be helpful: Red, Yellow, and Green. Our organization would use each color to identify a task, Red = anything related to grant checks; Yellow = groups giving a timeframe to make corrections or they will be DEACTIVATED; Green = Misc task
Carol Reynolds commented
We would appreciate being able to attach a task to a particular form, similar to what is in CSuite, because we have multiple people who "touch" each application and there are sometimes questions. Having it attached to the appropriate application would be time-saving.
Molly Gelinas commented
Task lists (or any kind of reminder feature) would be so helpful to have in Foundant. We have a small, but growing team with some members working remotely fairly frequently, so we've been looking for ways to better keep ourselves on track and communicate what needs to be done when, and by whom. While we have outside tracking systems for things, having the ability for grants management task lists/reminders to live in Foundant would be a game-changer for us!
Lori commented
I agree. This would be helpful in many ways. One example - we print out packets for our trustees before site visits. I would be great to get a reminder X days before each site visit to verify all the necessary info has been submitted and is ready to be printed.
Assigning tasks would also reduce the need for conversations about which staff member is going to put together a recommendation and which one is going to review a follow-up report. -
Minerva Humphrie commented
We do not have any reminder features in GLM. That would be a great thing to add. Something to remind me to send out an email within the system so that I don't have to set up an external reminder.
Angela Larsen commented
Special Reminders - Every month I run a report on all upcoming follow up reports. Some grants require additional action in year 4 and 5 of their 8 year grant. It wouid be very helpful if I could assign a "Special Reminder" or "follow up" to one of the evaluators, or if there could be a blank field in the "assign" follow up field.
Thank you, Angela -
Meredith A. Huffman commented
Kelly - I like this idea - this would be useful for us too!
Kelly Romanoff commented
Alerts/reminders would be a helpful administrator tool. For example, I need to take an action on a grant in September 2018 and
would like to record this in GLM. It would be very helpful if I could set reminders for specific dates and then have pop-ups when I log-in to notify me that my reminder deadline is approaching. Thank you for your consideration.