December 2024 Applicant Experience Release Feedback
This is a common idea for all feedback related to releasing the new Applicant Experience: Apply Page and Dashboard.
Hi All,
Thank you for the prompt feedback! We are continuing to review this idea and will keep you updated.
To get started, the Upcoming Tab will sort chronologically in the next couple days!
Sydney Morrone commented
Chiming in on the Preview discussion:
- Determining some type of way to display branching questions is important. Every single one of our application forms has branching on it. For example we specifically ask for applicants to share what type of organization they are, aside from using Candid. We do not need Applicants who are 501c3's to see the branching questions about Fiscal Sponsors. We want to avoid having applicants prepare/try to find/fill out information that is not necessary for their application.
-We utilize administrator questions housed within our applications. Some of these questions are for tracking purposes, reporting and data gathering, etc. They really are not meant for the applicant to view or experience.
-Would it be possible for the preview button to generate a PDF that is the Question List for the process, but in Applicant View? (This is something we've long wished for across all of our processes, as internet access and stability is a barrier in our communities).
Carol Reynolds commented
I agree with the question branching. In a pdf, the branches need to be identified or it will be very confusing.
On 1 out of 3 of my monitors, the difference between the gray and white is barely detectable. The gray needs to a bit darker to help with the differences in the columns.
It would be great to be able to style the colors so that the grant and scholarship portals look more like us/our website.
Amy Wiles commented
It would be nice if forms could be sorted by due date on the
"To Do" panel on the left rather than by process. -
Amy Wiles commented
Is there a way to distinguish more clearly the difference between the "To Do" panel on the left and the larger content panel on the right. I appreciate the multiple ways that needed tasks are communicated, but applicants might wonder why the same form is listed in both places.
Rebecca Wardle commented
PDF Preview of Forms: I like this but would love to see adjustments for branching. Currently, applicants sometimes start answering questions in the preview and mistaken this for their actual application. The pdf preview would avoid this confusion. However, I'm not sure how the pdf preview would note question branching. Maybe something on the pdf preview could label the questions "branch 1" and "branch 2" with the branch titles or something similar to call out the different tracks that the application may take.