Inactivate Profiles
At this time you can only mark a profile as "deceased" if they are not active. This is not always the case in a living situation. Since donors may not have given donations in a while, you should be able to indicate their profile as "inactive."
Lorna Sandberg commented
Hi Bryan! Great to see this implemented! Are there plans to alter how inactive org profiles appear in the Donor Portal? So inactive orgs are still in the grant history, but do not appear as choices in "Search for other Grantees"?
Lorna Sandberg commented
Grant - yes, we may be looking at an inactive org feature, particularly for the Portal. Hmmm - just noticed something else which would make the inactive status important to not show up in the general search results of the Portal. Scholarship recipients, even when an inactive grantee, appear in the Portal general search results. Is there some way of marking them "private" (regardless of active/inactive grantee status) to prevent their name from appearing in the Portal search results, especially for fund advisors who are unknown to the grantee?
And ... those investment firms for which vouchers are produced activate the grantee status, which puts them in search results. Is there something we can do on our end to prevent this?
Thanks for your help!
Hi Everyone. I'm curious about the other things you would like the "Inactive Profile" feature to do automatically?
Given the use cases below, I'm curious if we're talking about two flags, "Inactive Profile" and "Inactive Organization". Thoughts?
Lorna Sandberg commented
I agree with Jennifer's comments re: organizations. Currently, merged or dissolved organizations still show on the Donor Portal pick list and search sites. While having them in the Grant History is good, having them appear in the Grant Request tab requires a manual change after being discussed with the Fund Advisor, who may not be aware that their granted to organization no longer exists. It should still be available to look at in grant history, however. Looking forward to this planned change!
Jennifer Dolge commented
We "decease" divorced couples as well as organizations that no longer exist. And if an organization is deceased (no longer exists), a Fund Advisor can still request a grant to that organization, which we then have to change. Instead it could show up in their list drop-down as "Inactive" and now allow them to give to them.
Taylor Milbradt commented
We have had a number of donors relocate to Florida or other places after they retire or later. Some stay involved with us but others lose interest in their old community or move their Fund to a CF near their new location. We'd like to mark them 'inactive' rather than 'dead'.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree. It would be wonderful if there was a way to mark a profile as inactive as opposed to marking a record as deceased. Deceased should only be marked if a profile is actually deceased, there should be an inactive box that you can check that creates an inactive list.