Template letter to thank anonymous donors
Would like to be able to use a donation template letter for anonymous donors.
You can build your tax receipt templated to accommodate anonymous donors. Feel free to reach out to support@foundant.com with questions.
Mary Loftus commented
Would like to be able to use a donation template letter for anonymous donors
Terri Belden commented
Yes! Having the ability to add the word "anonymous" to donation templates would be super helpful!
Beth Maguire commented
I just contacted support with the question about pulling the condition into the tax receipt in order to say 'Thank you for your anonymous donation.' Now I see that it was already submitted as an idea.
This would be SUPER helpful. Right now we are manually typing this in. -
Jeanette Kelleher commented
If the Yes/No anonymous field were available in the template, then we could use conditional logic to insert the word “anonymous” into the “ Thank you for your (anonymous) gift of $###.## to xxx fund” portion of the letter. Their name would show wherever the donor name appears. It would be good to be able to signal that yes, we understand you want the gift listed anonymously.
Jessica Renfro commented
Yes! Having the ability to add the word "anonymous" to donation templates would be very helpful! It would reassure donors that their donation has indeed been recorded anonymously - whether paid online or processed in office. The letter would still include the donor's name for tax purposes, but including a phrase like "your anonymous gift was received" would be great. Please make this an available field in donation templates. Thanks for considering!