Option for Recurring Donations to Add an End Date
Some of our donors would like to stipulate an end period for their donation. This would be specifically helpful for us internally as we have a giving circle that allows for members to pay in installments for their membership (i.e., $125 / quarter for a annual membership of $500)
Anonymous commented
Annual renewal of commitment to recurring donations seems like a good idea.
Julie Cole Mecum commented
We have this exact same need with our giving circles. In addition, we'd like to define the date for the second installment (so if we choose quarterly for example, we could choose the day of that month to run the payments instead of the exact same day that we used for the first installment).
Michelle Collins commented
I would also like to see donors have the option to determine the length of their recurring gift and have the system end the gift based on the date they tell us.
Anonymous commented
Please allow for an end date to be set for reoccurring gifts
Missy Belles commented
Yes - this would be extremely helpful!!
Anonymous commented
We opted out of recurring donations because there is no end date. I agree that having an end date would be more attractive to donors and feel more comfortable knowing that it's not forever.